Oct 11, 2009

Rural Kansas: Come and Get It!

Inman. The third round of rural communities have graduated from the "Rural Kansas: Come and Get It" classes conducted by the Kansas Sampler Foundation. The instruction is designed to help promote rural communities in a collective and dynamic manner.
Representatives from Baldwin City, Garnett, Leavenworth, Lecompton, Seneca, Tonganoxie, Wetmore and White City attended the two-day rural tourism course held at the VFW in Wetmore and at Washburn Tech in Topeka. The two-day requirement included a three-hour exploration to surrounding towns followed by a debriefing at Rilinger's Rustic Bar and Grill in Wetmore.
Graduation makes a community eligible for a free community page on the "Rural Kansas: Come and Get It" website. The website is not yet available to the public.
Funded by a $50,000 grant from the Kansas Department of Commerce Travel & Tourism Division, the classes are free and are designed specifically for volunteer-led communities, though any size community may participate.
The two-day class featured learning the Explorer mindset, researching community Explorer assets, social networking, photography, and website maintenance.
Four more two-day classes will be held around the state. The dates are September 23-24, Winfield; September 29-30, Norton/Phillipsburg; October 6-7, Ulysses; and October 14-15, Fredonia/Greenbush. Those interested should go to the Kansas Sampler Foundation website at kansassampler.org. Registration is necessary.
Director Marci Penner said, "There is a great deal to see and do in rural communities if people know how to explore. The "Rural Kansas: Come and Get It" website will not only tell what there is to see and do in towns of every size, but it will help people know how to explore. The social networking will be used as a tool to help the world "get" or understand our rural culture."
The intent of the collective promotion is to help keep rural communities viable.
Contact Information
phone: 620.585.2374; marci@kansassampler.org
Kansas Sampler Foundation | 978 Arapaho Rd | Inman | KS | 67546

I love to hear feedback! Don't forget to follow Crittenden Graphic Design on Facebook if you are looking for any ideas and trick to maximize your social media campaign!

Sep 22, 2009

White City, Kansas: Home Sweet Home!

I love that I can use my design and marketing talent to give back to my hometown. I love White City. I love the people there, and will never forget all they have done for me and my family. I would never be who I am now, without their support. God Bless White City, Kansas!

Rural Kansas: Come and Get It! is a pilot program from Kansas Sampler Foundation to keep rural Kansas viable. The program is offered FREE from a grant from Kansas Travel and Tourism Division.

Sep 17, 2009

Rural Kansas Tourism Classes

I'm enjoying my adventure with my Aunt Marcia as we learn about promoting rural kansas communities.

In this photo, Marcia is trying to find cell phone reception in Goff, Kansas.

Sep 2, 2009

"Lights, Camera, Showtime!"

You are officially invited to my first performance with the Wellington Community Theater! Tickets will be available at the door.

Jul 15, 2009


Doing what I do best: Making lists of random things that pop into my head. This will be ongoing (or not!)

BizTwitizm #1:
Twitter is like dating... don't appear desperate. They will drop you like a hot potato!

Jul 5, 2009

Winchester Mystery House Tour

I am not exactly sure what I was expecting from my visit to the Winchester Mystery House, but I have to admit that I was a bit disappointed in my visit.
The tour went into great detail about the life and bizarre thoughts of Mrs. Winchester. I have more details and more photos on my flickr site. (Click anywhere, and it should take you to my flickr site.) I enjoyed the fact that she was obsessed with spiderwebs and the number 13, with numerous occurrences of repetition throughout the house. I loved that she was so innovative in house features.

For my flickr album. Click Here.

May 18, 2009

The Fairy Godmother Project

The following life story was written by a former single mother who has been blessed by two fairy godmothers.

"I can remember the day, just like it was yesterday. I wish that I could erase it from my memory."

"My youngest son was two, my daughter was three, my oldest son was five. My husband at the time walked out the door and backed out of the driveway and was gone. I could hear the rattle of his old Chevy for what seemed like hours. I went into my bedroom, laid down, and cried and wondered how would I ever take care of these three small children? How would I find the will to keep on living?"

May 11, 2009

May 6, 2009

Bowl For A Cure Design Work

Micklynn Designs was happy to be asked to help create the artwork for the 2nd Annual Bowl For a Cure Fundraiser!

Come join the fun for a great cause!
Friday, May 22, 2009

Proceeds go to Relay for Life, team Chemo Cafe!

Email Michelle if you'd like more information!

Jan 1, 2009

Wichita Thunder Dance and Promotions

I was lucky enough to work with the Wichita Thunder Dance and Promotions team to create their 2008-2009 Team Poster. Photography by GS Memorymakers.