May 18, 2009

The Fairy Godmother Project

The following life story was written by a former single mother who has been blessed by two fairy godmothers.

"I can remember the day, just like it was yesterday. I wish that I could erase it from my memory."

"My youngest son was two, my daughter was three, my oldest son was five. My husband at the time walked out the door and backed out of the driveway and was gone. I could hear the rattle of his old Chevy for what seemed like hours. I went into my bedroom, laid down, and cried and wondered how would I ever take care of these three small children? How would I find the will to keep on living?"

May 11, 2009

May 6, 2009

Bowl For A Cure Design Work

Micklynn Designs was happy to be asked to help create the artwork for the 2nd Annual Bowl For a Cure Fundraiser!

Come join the fun for a great cause!
Friday, May 22, 2009

Proceeds go to Relay for Life, team Chemo Cafe!

Email Michelle if you'd like more information!