Nov 9, 2011

How Can I Post to My Facebook Fan Page as Myself?

You are the administrator of your facebook page and you do a great job of posting as the page. But what happens if you want to comment to your posts as yourself?

One of the great updates with the newer versions of facebook, is the ability to post as yourself to your page. With all of my how-to's, I'm going to assume you are already logged into facebook.

  • Go to the page you wish to comment on as YOURSELF and click the "EDIT INFO" link at the top of the page.

  • Click on "YOUR SETTING" on the left side of the page. UNCHECK the box at the top. This will allow you to post as YOURSELF on your Page. 
  • Click SAVE for this change to go into effect.
Every time you post to your page, it will show up as YOU and will have YOUR PROFILE PICTURE. If you want to post at the PAGE, you will need go back into the EDIT INFO, and click the tab to always post as the page!

Did this "How-To" help you? Do you have a Facebook dilema that you need help with? I'd love to assist you! Post your questions, comments, or ideas here- or to our Facebook page. Don't forget to follow me on twitter- @mlcrittenden.

Nov 5, 2011

Saturday Morning

Saturday mornings are for things we love. Today I love:

  1. Brochure Revisions (on my favorite Macbook Pro)
  2. Sunny D (in my favorite KSU Alumni Association Glass)
  3. Coffee (in my favorite Penny's Diner Mug)
Life is good!

How do you like to spend your Saturday mornings? Comment here or join the conversations on our Facbook page! If you really want to know what goes on in my mind- follow me on twitter- @mlcrittenden

Enjoy the Fall- 

Nov 4, 2011

Developing Social Media

This is a slight revision of a presentation from April, but there are a few details that have changed.
1. The number of active users has jumped from 500 million to 800 million in six months.
2. I'm married and had to change my name and email address!

This presentation covers a lot of information, so take your time and break it down into small digestible portions. This presentation introduces you to social media. It takes an in-depth look at Facebook, and how to evaluate if Facebook is for you. It also takes you step-by-step into setting up your Facebook page, and helps you promote the page to your fans.

Are you concerned with policies and privacy? It covers that too!

I hope that you find the information helpful in this presentation. I love to hear feedback! Don't forget to follow Crittenden Graphic Design on Facebook for more ideas and trick to maximize your social media campaign!