Jul 15, 2009


Doing what I do best: Making lists of random things that pop into my head. This will be ongoing (or not!)

BizTwitizm #1:
Twitter is like dating... don't appear desperate. They will drop you like a hot potato!

Jul 5, 2009

Winchester Mystery House Tour

I am not exactly sure what I was expecting from my visit to the Winchester Mystery House, but I have to admit that I was a bit disappointed in my visit.
The tour went into great detail about the life and bizarre thoughts of Mrs. Winchester. I have more details and more photos on my flickr site. (Click anywhere, and it should take you to my flickr site.) I enjoyed the fact that she was obsessed with spiderwebs and the number 13, with numerous occurrences of repetition throughout the house. I loved that she was so innovative in house features.

For my flickr album. Click Here.