Oct 26, 2012

Asparagus- YUM

So this is delish. Just wanted to share. I'll post a recipe and step-by-step later. The pix are pretty self explanatory though, don't ya think? Have a great weekend. 

Don't forget to follow Crittenden Graphic Design on Facebook if you are looking for any ideas and trick to maximize your social media campaign!

Oct 10, 2012

Fish Are Friends, Not Food.

What does your network say about you?
If you are like me, we are always trying to find new and clever ways to promote our business, organizations, or our own personal brand image.

In this day and age, every time we hop on a wireless device we are looking for open internet connections. Herein lies a commonly missed marketing opportunity.

As a branding, identity obsessed designer– I was delighted to see that Long John Silvers had named their open wireless network "Fish are friends, not food."  I thought that the highlight of my lunch break was going to be the two piece chicken meal, but the smile on my face was from the clever marketing idea!

Setting up your wireless network, open or locked, is an opportunity to share you brand. Long John Silver's carries a strong marketing campaign through bright colors, fun imagery, and an upbeat friendly message. What does your network say about you?

I love to hear feedback! Don't forget to follow Crittenden Graphic Design on Facebook if you are looking for any ideas and trick to maximize your social media campaign!

Oct 1, 2012

Hello, October

Hello, October. Me and my boots have missed you!

I love to hear feedback! Don't forget to follow Crittenden Graphic Design on Facebook if you are looking for any ideas and trick to maximize your social media campaign!