Jul 6, 2006

Bat Country

Ok.... so Thursday night i was supposed to be figuring my checkbook... boring... so i am up here on the computer... of course on myspace. When what do i hear? Something in the hallway. I think it is Alex, my roommate's cat. "Alex, what are you doing out there? Taking a dump?" No answer from alex... so i continue to hear the commotion... and get up to investigate. When i see some sort of shadow aboot eye level... WHAT?
Cat's don't make shadows five foot off the ground? So i get closer and look up.. (up for a cat? huh?) and see something FLYING in the hallway! I'm thinking OMFG there is a BIRD in here... it lands on the casing of the bathroom door.... yeah... no bird... it's a freaking BAT!
I shut the door and called as many people as i could to help me mentally prepare for my treck through that dark hallway and to my room. My plan was to SHUT the door and go to bed!
OK, long story short... the bat was already down stairs and he slept on the window sill and i went to bed. My Roommate saved us when he got home he PHYSICALLY picked it up and threw it outside. What a Brave, Brave Soul he is!