Apr 4, 2014


This is a great kit to get you started with the benefits of essential oils. 

  • 5 ml doTerra Lavender Essential Oil 
  • 5 ml doTerra Lemon Essential Oil 
  • 5 ml doTerra Peppermint Essential Oil 
  • Audio CD booklet that explain how and why essential oils work. 
  • Informational Booklet that explain how and why essential oils work. 
  • Nifty Box with suggested uses for each of the three oils

  • I love to hear feedback! What uses have you found for Lavender, Lemon, or Peppermint Essential oils?
    Shop Now: http://www.mydoterra.com/mcrittenden/

    Don't forget to follow Crittenden Graphic Design on Facebook if you are looking for any ideas and trick to maximize your social media campaign!


    1. I just got my home essentials kit earlier this week. I've been using that trio as an allergy treatment on Reid's and my feet. I've added lemon to water. Used lavendar and breathe at bedtime for Reid, and have used peppermint for a headache. Dac has been using frankincense for lypomas (fatty tumors).

    2. I haven't tried Breathe yet- one of my friends got it and loves it. Do you diffuse it? I need to find an affordable diffuser
